MBSR – Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course

Course Overview

Break the cycles of anxiety, stress, unhappiness and exhaustion: MBSR brings the principles of mindfulness meditation into everyday life by teaching specific skills and practices that can be incorporated into your daily life.

Come and see how this inspiring course, now running in the Illlawarra, can help you develop more mental, emotional, physical and psychological resilience and well-being.

Start applying your innate capacity to both reduce distress, and also enhance delight and appreciation for what is here. By learning where and how to place attention, the world opens up, and small and big freedoms can be found.

The course will surprise you – it is plain-speaking, emotionally intelligent and alive.

What does it cover?

This course includes:

  • an individual phone interview prior to the course, and ongoing individual support from your teacher
  • a 2.5 hour class, over 8-9 weeks, plus one full retreat day
  • mindfulness meditation and body awareness training
  • an exploration of your own patterns and how to transform them
  • good conversations about things that matter
  • scientific rationale for the practice
  • access to Openground audio app for practice and a 100 page course book

What do participants experience?

You spend quite a bit of time during the course really investigating your mind and body in the company of people whose lives and discoveries over the eight weeks give you something profound – a feeling of connection and belonging that you haven’t felt for a while. You spend time listening deeply, not only to your own experience of sensations, thinking, feeling and action, but you get to know your patterns in a way that is tender and caring but also transforming. You find out that you can do things differently to make serious changes in how you experience your five-year-old, your boss, your insomnia, your pain, your anxiety, your depression. You discover both subtle and big changes in how you want to spend your time. You get some confidence in your own goodness and the goodness of others – which can be a rare experience these days.

How is MBSR different from other Mindfulness courses?

MBSR courses offer depth, safety, continuity and connection with a highly trained, dedicated teacher to help you engage with the heart of the matter – so that you can find more resilience, effectiveness and authority in your life. While a short course, app or workshop may offer a taste of mindfulness, it is unlikely to provide you with the experience, space and time to develop your own practice, which is what leads to the outcomes you probably want and are truly possible from this inspiring method. Come exactly as you are!

Please note:

It will take time!
It will cost you!
It may be uncomfortable!
It may change your life!

Adele would like to thank Openground for their permission to quote directly from their website.

Course Schedule

Please contact Sue at Mind Your Busyness for alternative MBSR face to face courses in Wollongong.

TERM 2 2025: at Woonona Medical Practice

Saturday 3rd May 2025 2-5pm
Saturday 10th May 2025 2-4.30pm
Saturday 17th May 2025 2-4.30pm
Saturday 24th May 2025 2-4.30pm
Saturday 31st May 2025 2-4.30pm
Saturday 7th June 2025 2-4.30pm
Saturday 14th May 2025 2-4.30pm
Sunday 22nd May 2025 10am-4.30pm Mt Keira Girl guides camp
Saturday 28th May 2025 2-5pm

Please don’t hesitate to click the following link to apply for financial assistance if needed.  Openground scholarship questionnaire 

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Course Costs

The full cost is $795. Early bird is $695.

Our goal is to keep the course accessible to all those who could benefit.

Please don’t hesitate to click the following link to apply for financial assistance if needed.  Openground scholarship questionnaire 

From Openground:

Just letting you know that we are now a charity and are able to offer very low fee places.  We recognise that people are doing it tough financially right now and we want to respond by offering significantly reduced prices, for those who can’t afford to pay the full fee:

  1. $250 – Financially stretched 
    I’ve got serious financial constraints but eager to participate.
  2. $495 – I’m managing but could do with a hand 
    I am doing OK but need some support.
  3.  $695 – I’m fine and can afford to pay the full fee
    I’ve some financial resources and am able to pay the full fee.

Course Attendance

MBSR courses run for 8 weekly sessions (plus one all day retreat, which sometimes makes it a 9 week course). It is important to attend every session if at all possible.

The weekly sessions support the daily home practice of 30-45 minutes. The research outcomes apply to participants who did home practice as well as attend the sessions.

See below for scheduled venue, dates and times

Dates & Venue

TERM 2 2025: at Woonona Medical Practice

Saturday 3rd May 2025 2-5pm
Saturday 10th May 2025 2-4.30pm
Saturday 17th May 2025 2-4.30pm
Saturday 24th May 2025 2-4.30pm
Saturday 31st May 2025 2-4.30pm
Saturday 7th June 2025 2-4.30pm
Saturday 14th May 2025 2-4.30pm
Sunday 22nd May 2025 10am-4.30pm Mt Keira Girl guides camp
Saturday 28th May 2025 2-5pm