Course Overview
Based on the ground-breaking research of Kristin Neff and the clinical expertise of Christopher Germer, MSC teaches core principles and practices that enable participants to respond to difficult moments in their lives with kindness, care and understanding.
It can be particularly helpful for health professionals and carers. MSC is an empirically-supported, 8-9 week training program designed to cultivate the skill of self-compassion, and is finally available in the Illawarra.
The three key components of self-compassion are self-kindness, a sense of common humanity, and balanced, mindful awareness. Kindness opens our hearts to suffering, so we can give ourselves what we need. Common humanity opens us to our essential interrelatedness, so that we know we aren’t alone. Mindfulness opens us to the present moment, so we can accept our experience with greater ease. Together they comprise a state of warm-hearted, connected presence.
Self-compassion can be learned by anyone, even those who didn’t receive enough affection in childhood or who feel uncomfortable when they are good to themselves. It’s a courageous attitude that stands up to harm, including the harm that we unwittingly inflict on ourselves through self-criticism, self-isolation, or self-absorption. Self-compassion provides emotional strength and resilience, allowing us to admit our shortcomings, motivate ourselves with kindness, forgive ourselves when needed, relate wholeheartedly to others, and be more authentically ourselves.
Rapidly expanding research demonstrates that self-compassion is strongly associated with emotional wellbeing, less anxiety, depression and stress, maintenance of healthy habits such as diet and exercise, and satisfying personal relationships.
Course Outcomes
After participating in this program, you’ll be better able to:
- Practice self-compassion in daily life
- Understand the empirically-supported benefits of self-compassion
- Motivate yourself with kindness rather than criticism
- Handle difficult emotions with greater ease
- Transform challenging relationships, old and new
- Manage caregiver fatigue
- Practice the art of savouring and self-appreciation
We would like to thank the Centre of Mindful Self-Compassion for their permission to use the above information.
If interested in the 5 day MSC intensive version running November 2025 please click here.
Course Schedule
Term 3 course dates:
Sunday 21st September 2025 10am-3pm Mt Keira Girl Guides Lodge
Please don’t hesitate to click the following link to apply for financial assistance if needed. Openground scholarship questionnaire
Contact Adele
Especially if you’d like to discuss whether the course would be suitable for you.
Articles, videos, research, apps and more!
To be kept informed about Mindfulness & Pain Explained offerings (3-4 emails per year)
Course Costs
The full cost is $795. Early bird is $695.
Our goal is to keep the course accessible to all those who could benefit.
Please don’t hesitate to click the following link to apply for financial assistance if needed. Openground scholarship questionnaire
From Openground:
Just letting you know that we are now a charity and are able to offer very low fee places. We recognise that people are doing it tough financially right now and we want to respond by offering significantly reduced prices, for those who can’t afford to pay the full fee:
- $250 – Financially stretched
I’ve got serious financial constraints but eager to participate. - $495 – I’m managing but could do with a hand
I am doing OK but need some support. - $695 – I’m fine and can afford to pay the full fee
I’ve some financial resources and am able to pay the full fee.
Schedule and Prerequisites
MSC courses are run 1-2 times per year for 8 weekly 3 hour sessions (plus one 5-hour retreat, which sometimes makes it 9 weeks) usually coinciding with the school term. Each session has a 15 minute break. It is important to attend every session if at all possible. Zoom sessions may be available if unwell or away.
The weekly sessions support the daily home practice of up to 30 minutes of formal and informal practices.
No previous experience with mindfulness or meditation is required to attend MSC. To ensure safety, participants are asked to provide background information when they register for the programme.
2025 Venue & Dates
Term 3 course dates:
Sunday 21st September 2025 10am-3pm Mt Keira Girl Guides Lodge
If interested in 5 day MSC intensive please click here.