Movement Meditation Resources

Donations for Adele’s resources are appreciated and go toward subsidising the formal, more expensive meditation courses such as MBSR and MSC. Click here to make a donation to the value of your choosing by PayPal or credit card.

Mindful Movement

Mindful movement, joint rotations & qigong – 30 minutes

Floor Mindful Movement

Yoga with Adele – 28 minutes

Gentle mindful movement audio

Yoga with Adele – 33 minutes

Flowing Floor Movement Meditation

Yoga with Adele – 18 minutes

Short Lying Mindful Movement

Yoga with Adele – 17 minutes

Chair Mindful Movement

Yoga with Adele – 34 minutes

Integrative Flowing Mindful Movements

Integrative Qigong type movements inspired by Dan Siegel: by Adele – 32 minutes

Integrative flowing mindful movements short version

Integrative Qigong type movements inspired by Dan Siegel: with Adele – 13 minutes

Pelvic Mindful Movement audio

Yoga with Adele – 60 minutes

Standing Mindful Movement short version

Yoga with Adele – 17 minutes

Gentle Standing mindful movement audio

Gentle Yoga with Adele – 20 minutes

Gentle Lying mindful movement audio

Gentle Yoga with Adele – 20 minutes